"The guests this week on "David Essel Alive! America's Positive Radio Show," heard every Saturday 6-9pm EST, 3-6pm PST, XM Radio CH 168, or streaming live FREE at www.davidessel.com . Celebrating 21 years in talk radio":
.... Dr. Norman Rosenthal- Author "Transcendence: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation" Join us as we discuss one of the most powerful meditation tools ever invented, and how this technique can help heal your mind, body and spirit. Truly, transformational. www.normanrosenthal.com
...... Nik Wallenda- TV Show, "Man on a Wire" Discovery Channel...NikWallenda, King of the Highwire, is a seventh generation member of the world famous Flying Wallenda family. Will soon be walking the high wire over Niagra Falls!!! Daredevil to the extreme, what makes people like this...tick? http://www.nikwallenda.com
.....Thomas Poppe- Author: "The Code: Unlocking the Ancient Power of Your Birthday" www.birthdaycode.com Did you know that the numbers related to your birthday can actually reveal your gifts, talents, and personality traits? Ancient Celtic knowledge, revealed for our benefit.
......Lisa- Addiction Recovery Success story.....From choosing drugs over her children, to homelessness, to selling her body for sex in exchange for her drug habit, this woman's success story winds it's way to the present day: Lisa recently passed her state medical exam, and has begun a new life with a real job, and will be reunited with her children over the next several months. Amazing.