Positive Talk Radio! David Essel Alive! Every Saturday, 6-9pm est, 3-6pm pst, XM Radio CH 168, and streaming FREE at www.davidessel.com . Proud to be a part of the Premiere Radio Network, celebrating 21 years in talk radio. This weeks guests:
.......Michelle Philips: Author - The Beauty Blueprint: 8 Steps to Building the Life and Looks of Your Dreams....Why do we focus on our "flaws" in life? Why do we struggle we just saying "thank you" to a compliment....instead we come up with some reason to deflect another persons beautiful words about our new job , haircut, dress etc? How do we fully stay focused on our strengths in life in order to become more alive and confident? Michelle rocks, you'll love her wisdom.
Twitter: @TVBeautyCoach
.....The Boston Marathon Tragedy: Musician and former college track star Ellis Paul watched the race from the 21st mile marker, as a way to support his friend, world famous marathoner Joan Benoit, and immerse himself in a sport that epitomizes the beauty of the human spirit. What he and the world had no idea was about to happen, a terrorist attack, greatly altered the feeling of joy and safety this event was historically all about. We pray for those hurt, and look for solace at the same time. WE, will overcome.
.....Linda Sullivan: Stop Sex Trafficking B.E.S.T......Victims of sex trafficking can come from anywhere, and yes even in the USA and yes, even US citizens. From gangs to bullies who solicit young adults, to illegal alien trafficking, it is more prevalent than you or I may even know. Join us as Linda describes the current state of sex trafficking, where it happens and what her incredible organization is doing to stop it. "Building empowerment by stopping trafficking.
......Ally Loprete - Radio Host : How to Achieve balance in all areas of life..... A mental breakdown that led her to hospitalization, after trying to be the "perfect person " to everyone in her life, led Ally on a quest that has helped millions of people lead healthier lives! Can you have it all in life? How do we create space for ourselves when everyone wants our attention and time? AHHH yes, Ally knows! =)