Positive Talk Radio! David Essel Alive! Every Saturday, 6-9pm est, 3-6pm pst, XM Radio CH 246, and streaming FREE at www.davidessel.com . Proud to be a part of the Premiere Radio Network, celebrating 22 years in talk radio. This weeks guests: (**** Moving Oct 19th to iheartradio.com, every Sat. 6-9pm est! 40 million listeners and growing!)
.......Adam Markel: CEO, Peak Potentials: How to create a millionaire mind, to become financially independent and happy in life!
.......Dr. George Pratt: Author- Code to Joy: The Four-Step Solution to Unlocking Your Natural State of Happiness
Website: www.drgeorgepratt.com
........Mark Eisenhart: Transformational Speaker: From obesity to addiction to depression...... to full recovery. Redefining what is possible in life!
Contact: impowermi@gmail.com
Website: https://www. getimpowerednow.com
Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/EisenhartMark
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ GetImpoweredNow
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